Runciang tapi Indak Manusuak /
Sharp but it doesn`t Stab


Runciang Tapi Indak Manusuak is the result of my three-weeks residency at Gubuak Kopi, Solok, West Sumatra. In this residency I was interested in a number of figurative languages describing how `silek` cultures (martial arts) imagined in matters of space, distance, position and time. One example is `taimpik nak diateh, takurung nak diluar` which in English means `squeezed well above, locked up is good outside`. By those quotations, I decided to present it in the installation and performance works.

The cube installation imagined as the place where silek is taught, in which there were two wooden chairs facing each others imagined as the subjects (pesilek; a person who do silek). The performance began when the audience gradually entered the dark room, at that moment I was inside holding a burning candle in the cube. The audience one by one began to entering the cube space and starting to light the candles. By the contact between figurative quotations on the cube`s walls and also public body gestures, I try to give a new space to imagine on how the culture of silek is reinterpreted today.

Prashasti Wilujeng Putri
Gubuak Kopi Team